From studying prophecy and in particular the book of Revelation, we know some things that yet must take place regarding:
- Great Deception - There will be great deception
- Sexual confusion and perversion
- Censorship and manipulation
- UFOs - belief in aliens
- Replacement of God
- Many will be left behind
- The Church - There will be a great falling away
- Transformation to conform to culture
- The Laodicean Church will emerge - acceptance of abominations in the churc
- Government - There will be one world government
- Censorship and manipulation
- The US no longer a super power
- Great Reset - including a digital currency
- The Antichrist becomes world dictator
- Wars - There are specific wars that must take place
- Ezequiel 38: The Gog of Magog War
- Revelation 19: Armagedon
- Israel - The Bible foretells the state of Israel
- Third temple built in Jerusalem
- Sacrifices reinstated
- Hated by all nations
- Christ returns there with the believers
- Technology - Knowledge will increase
- Nuclear capability
- Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
- Control everyone’s buying and selling
- DNA manipulation / transhumanism
- Great Tribulation - Unprecedented terrible events
- More than 50% of the world’s population will die just at the beginning
- Men will want to die but will not be able to (Rev 9:6)
- Astroid Apophis predicted hit the Earth on April 13th, 2029